We here at Shipped ROMs as well as in our sister sites such as PPCGeeks abide by and adhere to the Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998, where we will work with and communicate with copyright holders to ensure their intellectual properties are not infringed upon. If you (as a copyright holder) feel your intellectual properties have been violated and our site is currently hosting content you wish to be taken down. Please read on below to learn how to file a DMCA compliance letter to our website. In order to inform us of an alleged copyright infringement, you must commit the following in the order as pertained below. Failure to do so will lead to your email being marked as inadequete and ignored.
* Identify the copyrighted works. This includes a list and location of each individual file you feel is in violation of your intellectual rights.
* Describe the nature of violation, and terms of compliance necessary in accordance with the DMCA.
* Provide contact information in the form of Name, E-Mail Address, and Phone Number for us to reach you from. Please also provide and address and fax information (if available) so we can expedite the process of your takedown request.
* Certify or provide a statement that has a good faith belief that the copyrighted content on our site is not with authorization from the copyright holder.
* Certify ownership of the copyright or intellectual rights through the form of documentation that is legitimate and signed either physically or digitally.
Once you have filled out the following information, please send it to us via our DMCA compliance email address, abuse@ppcgeeks.com . We will reply within 2 business days with a course of action and follow-up with you in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you for pointing out the problem with our files and allowing us to mend it in a timely manner!
Shipped-ROMS.com Staff